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P. Roberts, 2011. The European Antarctic: Science and Strategy in Scandinavia and the British Empire (New York: Palgrave Macmillan)

S. Turchetti, 2012. The Pontecorvo Affair. A Cold War Defection and Nuclear Physics (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)

N. Herran, S. Boudia, and S. Turchetti (eds.), 2012. Transnational History and the History of Science. Special Issue of the British Journal for the History of Science 45(3): 319-336.

Scholarly Articles

S. Turchetti, 2010. ‘NATO: Cold-Warrior or Eco-Warrior?’ Research Europe 308.

S. Turchetti, 2012. ‘Sword, Shield and Buoys: A History of the NATO Oceanographic Sub-Committee,’ Centaurus 49:3.

P. Roberts, 2012. ‘Nordic or National? Post-war Visions of Polar Conflict and Cooperation’ in Sverker Sörlin, ed., Science, Geopolitics, and Culture in the Polar Regions – Norden Beyond Borders (London: Ashgate).

L. Veneer, R. Cantoni, S. Robinson, and S. Turchetti, 2012. ‘The Earth Under Surveillance,’ Viewpoint 81.


L. Veneer, 2013. ‘Oil security and the North Sea: British explorations in the 1960s’.

P. Roberts, 2013. ‘Intelligence and Internationalism: The Cold War Career of Anton Bruun' Centaurus. Special issue on Science and Politics at War: New Relations in the Postwar Era.

M. Adamson, L. Camprubì and S. Turchetti, 2014. ‘From the Ground Up: Uranium Prospecting in Western European Countries’.

S. Turchetti, ‘”In God We Trust, All Others We Monitor”: Atomic Intelligence and Seismology”.